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Backstage options


Allow check for new versions

When True: When an internet connection is available, software will check for automatic updates

Data import

Merge sessions during bulk import

Currently a disabled option within software.


Car Makes/Teams Colours

A Collection of Car Make/Teams and associated colour. The colour will be used for new cars with the car make/team (depending of the value of Default Colouring Mode) name containing the key.

You can use * to set a default colour for all other cars.

Default Colouring Mode

Car Make or Team Name depending of how you want to set car default colour.


Show project wizard

When True: the Project Wizard helper will show when starting a new project


Confirm before closing worksheet

When True: user is asked if they are sure they want to close the worksheet

Misc calculation

Sort cars at sectors during race

If True: the positions of the cars are updated at the end of each sector, otherwise only at the end of each lap. This is exposed as an option as there can be situations where a certain car will struggle to be picked up by a given sector line. If this happens while cars are being sorted at sectors the software will "think" this car has dropped down the order. This correct order would then only be rectified when crossing the next (working) sector or finish line.

If all equipment is working properly the preferred setting if True. Most commonly this setting needs to be set to False in IMSA as this is where the issue tends to arise occasionally.

Moving average

Default laps before/after

Default lower/upper bound of window size for moving average plots.

Reference car

Default reference car

For any displays where a reference car can be set as an option, this defines the default car number that will be chosen.


Best X quantities for report graphs/tables

A comma-separated list of integers for the X values of the best X calculation in reports (e.g. 5,10)

Best X% quantities for report graphs/tables

A comma-separated list of integers for the X% values of the best X% calculation in reports (e.g. 5,10)

Clean function threshold

Lap time threshold relative to the fastest lap (per car) above which will be excluded from reporting.

Default logo/image to be used in new report templates

Minimum number of laps in race stint

Not currently used

Report template library

Default local directory where report templates are saved

Scoreboard settings

Colour for best time for car

Best Lap/Sector/Speed colour convention for each CAR in the session

Colour for best time for driver

Best Lap/Sector/Speed colour convention for each DRIVER in the session

Colour for best time in class

Best Lap/Sector/Speed colour convention of the CLASS in the session

Colour for best time in stint

Best Lap/Sector/Speed colour convention of the STINT for each CAR

Colour for best time overall

Best Lap/Sector/Speed colour convention of ALL CARS for the session

Colour for slower projected time

Colour convention for a CAR doing a slower projected time than its best lap

Default scoreboard autosize columns

When True: Default autosizing behavior of scoreboard columns

Default scoreboard black background

When True: Default background color for tables and views is black

Default scoreboard display seconds

When True: Default time display format is in seconds

Number of non-track sectors in scoreboard

Default number of non-track sectors shown in scoreboards when no session is active. Overridden when session data is loaded.

Number of sectors in template

Default number of sectors shown in scoreboards when no session is active. Overridden when session data is loaded.

Number of speed traps in template

Default number of speed traps shown in scoreboards when no session is active. Overridden when session data is loaded.

Reset last sectors every lap

When True: sectors from previous laps are cleared when CAR crosses S1 in the current lap.

Session export options

Export session top speed at MPH

When True: speed data CSV export is in units of MPH

Session settings

Disable race finish calculation

When True: disables calculations for the forward predictions. This allows the software to process data much quicker and can be helpful to speed up replays of data-heavy races to a certain point.

Enforced number of pit stops

The number of stops to be used by the strategy prediction calculation when the number is fixed (see below)

Enforced number of pit stops enabled

When True: forces the forward strategy predictions to use the number of stops that have been manually defined.

Enforced pit stop time

If the Pit Stop Time Mode (see below) is set to User Defined Fixed, then this is the value that will be enforced. This should be set to the total time from pit in to pit out for a regular pitstop.

Fixed stint length

If the maximum stint lengths are defined by driving time (such as GT World Challenge Europe) then this is where the maximum stint length that is used for the forward strategy projections is defined. This is utilised to the fixed stint length projections.

Pit stop time mode

Defines the "mode" the software will use to determine the length of future stops for the forward strategy projections. The following options are available:

  • User defined fixed
  • Average of history
  • VLN rules (only relevant for NLS events)
  • Calculated
User defined fixed

It uses the Enforced pit stop time (see above).

Average of history

It uses the average of all previous green flag stops on a per car basis.


It uses the stop and go time from the track project options, the refuel rate from either the backstage or the track project item, the time for tyre/driver change from the backstage and fuel/tyres in parallel from the championship config. At each stop it fills the amount of fuel needed and ALWAYS changes tyres/driver.


Example For example with 20 laps to go and a pitstop in 10 laps, the estimated finish time will be:

9Average Lap Time (calculated or from Track Item) + Average LapTime In Lap Ratio(from Track Item) + Pit Lane Stop & Go Time (from Track Item) + Stopped Time + Average Lap Time Out Lap Ratio (from Track Item) + 9Average Lap Time(calculated or from Track Item)

where Stopped Time (if NOT Fuel and Tyres in parallels) = number of laps in future stint (in this example, 10) * refuel Rate (from Track Item) + Time For Tyre Change (from Track Item)

Stopped Time (if Fuel and Tyres in parallels) = Max(number of laps in future stint (in this example, 10) * refuel Rate (from Track Item), Time For Tyre Change (from Track Item))

Predicted strategy type

Used for the race finish calculations. The following options are available:

  • Predicted Stint Lengths
  • Fixed Stint Lengths

In most series the appropriate setting will be "Predicted Stint Lengths ". GTWC Europe is an example of when you would use "Fixed Stint Lengths" due to the stint limit being 65 minutes.

Race finish mode

Used to define the end of race condition. The following options are available:

  • When leader finishes
  • When time elapses

In most series the appropriate setting will be "When leader finishes". VLN/N24 is an example of when you would use "When time elapses" due to the length of the lap.

Race length mode

Used to define the length of the race. The following options are available:

  • Time
  • Distance
  • Time & Distance

Depending on if the race is time or distance limited this setting should be obvious. In cases where the race length is defined as when either a certain time or distance is reached (which ever occurs first), Time & Distance should be used. In the case of the Time & Distance setting the estimated race finish type can be shown in the main scoreboard as an optional column.

Session length (hours)

If race length is time limited the race time can be entered here.

Total number of laps to be completed (if distance limited)

If race length is distance limited the race distance can be entered here.

Strategy overview

New tyre colour

New tyre colour, shown in Strategy Overview when tyres are displayed.

Unchanged tyre colour

Used tyre colour (from previous stint), shown in Strategy Overview when tyres are displayed.

Used in a previous session colour

Used tyre colour (from a previous session), shown in Strategy Overview when tyres are displayed.

Used tyre colour

Used tyre colour (from the current session), shown in Strategy Overview when tyres are displayed.

Server mode configuration

The Server Mode of HH Timing exists to broadcast the timing feed within your team network in cases where the number of connections to the circuit timing feed is limited by the timing provider. See the Server Mode section for a detailed description of how to set this up.

Timing and scoring server enabled

When True: this computer will broadcast (forward) a timing feed over the local network to allow other users to receive timing data without direct connection to official timing feed.

Timing and scoring server port number

Port number that other users (clients) will use in the Championship Configuration when connecting to the server computer over the local network. This can generally be left as the default value of 24689.

Track map highlighting

Car highlighting

Cars of interest can be "highlighted on track maps to make them easier to find when checking quickly. Multiple cars can be highlighted if needed. If a car is highlighted:

  • The colour of the car is set to be the car colour as opposed to the class colour which it is by default
  • An arrow points to the highlighted
  • The focus car has priority and is rendered on top of other cars that are close together

Example: Car #51 In the top image, car #51 is not highlighted. In lower image, it is.

Settings in Backstage Options

Any cars that you wish to follow should have their number input. Note that you can enter multiple cars as a comma separated list. You must set the checkbox to enable car following on track map to be true.

Settings in Ribbon Bar
  • Car scaling, size of cars can be modified
  • Arrow size, changes the size of the arrow used for car following

Time lost ghost cars

The track map highlighting options allow to draw the “Fuel” and “Fuel & Tyre” cars on the track map. These cars represent the projected track position of the cars after a pit stop, if you pitted on this lap. There are two calculations available:

  • Basic (fixed)
  • Advanced (refuel time compensated)


The ghost cars are set with a fixed time offset to your current position on track. These should represent the total time loss relative to a normal green flag lap for completing this stop type (Fuel or Fuel & Tyres).

If you will loose:

  • 111.8s for a Fuel and Tyres stop, and
  • 44.8s for a Fuel only stop

The settings in the backstage options shown below are what you should use:


The advanced method updates your projected track position after a stop based on the amount of fuel you will need to add at the next stop. The loss of a Stop & Go and changing tyres are considered also.

If you will loose:

  • 41.8s to complete a Stop & Go in the pit lane (including the time to connect fuel rig)
  • 18.5s to change tyres
  • 1.1s for every lap worth of fuel you have to fill with the fuel rig

The settings in the backstage options and track item options shown below are what you should use:

Calculation Explanation

If Fuel & Tyres can NOT be changed in parallel:

Fuel Ghost Offset = Stop & Go Pit Loss + Number of laps still last pit stop * Seconds to add to pit stop per lap of stint length

If Fuel & Tyre can be changed in parallel:

Fuel & Tyres Ghose Offset = Stop & Go Pit Loss + max(Number of laps still last pit stop * Seconds to add to pit stop per lap of stint length, Time for tyre and driver change)

So if the fuel fill will take longer than the tyre change, then the fuel fill will determine the stop time.

Note that the "Time lost for fuel and tyres pit stop" and "Time lost for fuel only pit stop" inputs are ignored in the Advanced mode.

The championship rules of whether fuel and tyres can be changed in parallel are important to get correct for the Advanced mode.

Custom ghost cars

Custom ghost cars can be defined in the track item These custom cars can be used to display other offsets from the running car. The display of these cars is not controlled by the "Enable time lost cars on track map" option and there is no limitation in the number of ghosts that can be defined in the track item.

Each ghost have the following properties:

  • Name: ghost display name.
  • Offset: constant offset applied to the running car.
  • Multiplier: variable offset applied to the running car. The value of the variable offset is N Laps in the stint x Multiplier.
  • Fuel: Add fuel time to the ghost offset.
  • Include stop & go pit loss: Add pit time loss to the ghost offset.
  • Enabled: this option is used to hide or show ghosts on the go.